Some days just start out shit, not everyday can be its best even thought we strive for it. Personally I know if I wake up on the wrong foot there are some things I can do to turn that day around. It might not be the best day but it will not be a bad day for long.
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minimal, basic and preferred habits
Sometimes I turn around in life and realize everything is kind of crumbling. Lets face it life will happen and hard times come up, sometimes more than normal. I lost 2 very important people to me in one year in the past and it was very difficult. I gave up not only good habits but I picked up my old bad habits in that time.
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Something I couldn’t admit to myself for the longest time was my binge eating issue. I still sometimes get into a stressful situation and my instinct is to still over indulge. Delayed gratification helped me with keeping balance with problematic food.
Continue Readinghow i avoided a binge
I’ve been working with Sarah from SarahD Fit with Me to adjust my macros and different ways of working out and overall make sure my body is where I need it to be. Yes I want to lose more but more importantly we are working on reverse dieting.
Continue Readingcomplacent vs. satisfied
I’ve always been a little afraid to be satisfied with my life and myself overall. To me that feeling was earned by being all the things you could possibly be, as well as the title of ‘satisfaction’ being bestowed on you instead of claiming it. In turn I grew complacent and I’ll explain why it’s not a good place to be.
I don’t have to love my body, I have to love MYSELF
I always feel like I’m waiting for this magic moment when all the stars align. I want ‘perfect’ balance in my life and thrive – this is what I tell myself and it’s a problem because I feel that ‘fact’ will make me happy. I will automatically love myself. Everything that I am, flaws included. That is such a jaded way to think, a little immature.