i did a thing …

When I was asked to be interviewed for the Half Size Me Podcast I had many reservations. What could I possibly have to share? Will anyone care? I’m not at my goal weight, should I turn it down? Of course those are legitimate concerns but I knew the right answer was to just go for it. Continue Reading

Managing Type 2 Diabetes

I have lived with Type 2 Diabetes for longer than I’m willing to admit. Over the years I have tried all sorts of crap, that’s the only way to put it. I’ve taken several steps in the past few years that makes managing the diabetes easier. I’ve built my arsenal of supporters that include doctors, therapist, nutritionist, online community of support and I would say the most important my FRIENDS! Continue Reading

working on it … forever!

I have type 2 diabetes and been living with it for 10+ years now, at first when I got the news I tried every diet under the sun – Atkins was the worst! I think I did it for a month before I realized it is slowly killing me not fixing me. I did Weight Watchers Online for a few months but also gave up on it when I didn’t see results after 3 months and since then I gave up on dieting. Continue Reading