To most people coloring hair is not a big deal, they do it every 2-4 weeks and go on with their lives. It wasn’t so easy for me, main reason being I’m incredibly indecisive and safe with my hair. This past year has taught me to be a little more confident in my decision making. I was brave enough to do the gastric bypass surgery but the decision to go blonde haunts me for over 2 years, that is ridiculous. Continue Reading
Tag: power of yes
Kale for everyone and lets deal with some emotions
I’m incredibly overwhelmed and tired, life seems to be going a million miles a minute and I can’t seem to catch up and get a grip. Ever since I have taken control over my food cravings it feels like everything else is in disarray. Continue Reading
YES & NO! except not NO-so to sum it up, YEA!
Currently I’m learning to say NO to people and it’s harder than it seems but I have gone ahead and made progress. For example I was ‘offered’ a part time project, I wound up thinking Continue Reading