Celebrating my Success

Celebrating my Success has never come easy for me, on my weight loss journey I always have this big number in the back of my mind. I need to loose 185lbs … I just HAVE to. Any sort of actual success I’ve had with weight loss falls by the waist side because of that gigantic number. Continue Reading


I believe we all have friendships of different levels and everyone has a close circle. When there is tension with one person one thing tends to happen, you categorize that person as ‘toxic’ and honestly they truly might be toxic for you but bare with me through this post. Two things must happen at this point … Continue Reading

it’s just ME and that’s OK

We went to Russia and visited family for a little while, went to a wedding 🙂 it was a blast. When I returned home I didn’t have the same overwhelming need to go back to my old habits. I actually started food planning, nothing fancy like creating a menu but just staying a few meals ahead of the game and planning out the day. Continue Reading

Kale is making me happy

In the past month or so I have noticed a huge change in my cravings. I have to say not everyday is perfect, I did have a moment the other week were I really wanted a Big Mac. I messaged a friend of mine and we had a very quick and to the point chat. I wound up getting my favorite Broccoli Slaw Kale Salad from Trader Joe’s. To be honest I’ve been obsessed with this salad for the past 4-6 weeks. I get it twice a week for lunch and it leaves me feeling satisfied. Continue Reading