Celebrating my Success

Celebrating my Success has never come easy for me, on my weight loss journey I always have this big number in the back of my mind. I need to loose 185lbs … I just HAVE to. Any sort of actual success I’ve had with weight loss falls by the waist side because of that gigantic number. I honestly try to not let it effect me but every once in a while I realize that when I do give myself that pat on the back my process slows down (or halts completely). I’ve been working thought this struggle for a while with the help of my friends and a therapist. All aspects of having that much extra weight, what it affords and costs me. How I’m feeling in my body and things I feel about my body. I’ve come to a point a long time ago that ‘the weight’ greatly impacts but does not define who I am today.

Through the process I not only started caring about myself (not just my weight) and I’m consistently loosing the actual weight. I big part of that is the community I joined for support, Half Size Me Community. I didn’t even realize that my success was a big deal, it just feels like how it should be. I was really surprised that they asked me to be a featured member. My main question was why? I’m not a big deal, I’m just ME. Even thought I don’t think losing 35lbs in 6 months is a big thing my friends convinced me that it would be a good idea. I sent in my answers and hoped for the best. I got a few responses about it and they were all amazing and positive. I realize and still learning that celebrating my success doesn’t have to be a big thing, I just need to know its important and I’m worth celebrating.



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