Making Tough Decisions

Making tough decisions can be daunting. We can all agree (hopefully) that whatever lifestyle we lead now costs and affords us something. My body is morbidly obese and that’s why I was hiding from the world. I was also hiding from leading a fulfilling life that I crave. In November of 2016 my personal trainer gave me homework, he asked “what would make your life more complete and move you forward?” it took me a little while to figure out the answer. Continue Reading

Managing Type 2 Diabetes

I have lived with Type 2 Diabetes for longer than I’m willing to admit. Over the years I have tried all sorts of crap, that’s the only way to put it. I’ve taken several steps in the past few years that makes managing the diabetes easier. I’ve built my arsenal of supporters that include doctors, therapist, nutritionist, online community of support and I would say the most important my FRIENDS! Continue Reading

Cauliflower Leek Soup

This Cauliflower Leek Soup started as a potato leek soup but I soon realized that I can’t have that much potatoes all the time. I’m one of those who loves cauliflower also and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to switch over.

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plantar fasciitis is no joke & a great recipe

Lately I have been having a lot of pain in my feet, I use the word lately loosely because it’s really been about a year. A friend of mine has been pushing me to go see the podiatrist … not that I’ve been avoiding it but I just never got around to going, I have felt before that he would just take a look at me and say ‘of course your feet hurt, you are overweight’ and yes it all ties into my weight problem however I decided that the pain is way worse than having someone pass judgement on my appearance. Continue Reading